Code of Ethics of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia

This Code of Ethics serves as a guide for the ethical conduct and professional behavior expected from all members of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia. Adherence to these principles will contribute to the promotion of a respectful, inclusive, and ethical learning and working environment.

Introduction: APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia is committed to promoting ethical behavior and professional conduct among its members. This Code of Ethics sets forth the principles and standards that govern the actions and responsibilities of all individuals associated with APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia, including faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders.

  1. Integrity and Honesty: All members of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia are expected to act with integrity and honesty in their professional and academic endeavors. They should uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and avoid any form of dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating, and misrepresentation of information.
  2. Respect and Diversity: APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia values and promotes a culture of respect, inclusivity, and diversity. Members are expected to treat others with respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of prejudice will not be tolerated.
  3. Professionalism and Accountability: All members of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia are expected to demonstrate professionalism and be accountable for their actions. They should fulfill their obligations and responsibilities in a timely and diligent manner, respecting the policies, rules, and regulations of the institution.
  4. Confidentiality and Privacy: Members of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia must respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals and organizations they interact with. They should handle sensitive information appropriately, ensuring its protection and only disclosing it when necessary and authorized.
  5. Academic Integrity: APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia places great importance on academic integrity. Members are expected to uphold the principles of honesty, fairness, and intellectual rigor in all academic activities, including research, assignments, examinations, and publications. Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited.
  6. Ethical Research and Innovation: Members engaged in research and innovation at APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia should adhere to ethical principles, ensuring the protection and welfare of participants and subjects involved. They should obtain informed consent, maintain objectivity, and uphold the highest standards of research integrity.
  7. Conflict of Interest: Members of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia should avoid conflicts of interest that may compromise their professional judgment or objectivity. They should disclose any potential conflicts of interest and take appropriate measures to manage or resolve them in a transparent manner.
  8. Social Responsibility: APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia encourages its members to contribute positively to society and promote sustainable and responsible practices. They should respect environmental standards, engage in ethical business practices, and consider the social impact of their decisions and actions.
  9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: All members of APBS Avicenne Business School Tunisia must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards. They should stay informed about legal requirements and ensure their actions align with legal and regulatory frameworks.