Décryptage de ChatGPT et Au-delà : Une Journée Mémorable à APBS Tunis

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Le mercredi dernier, l’APBS Tunis a accueilli le workshop “ChatGPT and Beyond : Dévoiler la Puissance de l’IA”, une journée marquante organisée par APBS. Les participants se sont plongés avec enthousiasme dans l’apprentissage, discutant des retombées de ChatGPT pour la jeunesse tunisienne et expérimentant un test psychologique propulsé par l’IA. Le point culminant a été le “Grand Jeu ChatGPT”, dévoilant les multiples facettes de l’IA .

Seminar by the esteemed Ms. Leila Ben-Gacem, entitled ‘Social Entrepreneurship”

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APBS had the privilege of hosting a seminar by the esteemed Ms. Leila Ben-Gacem, entitled ‘Social Entrepreneurship’. The speaker expounded upon the concept of social entrepreneurship, illustrated with several pertinent examples, and provided an overview of its history in Tunisia. This session facilitated an exceptional opportunity for discourse and knowledge exchange between an erudite speaker … Read more

Seminar by Mr. Alfonso Campisi, Professor at Manouba Faculty of Arts

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APBS has had the pleasure of hosting a seminar by Mr. Alfonso Campisi, Professor at Manouba Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Renowned specialist in Italian migration movements to Tunisia and the Maghreb, the speaker shared insights on the contemporary sensitive topic of immigration. After recalling the history of the emigration flow to the Southern part … Read more