

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Intelligence Tunisie (BI)

Specific objectives of Bachelor in Business Intelligence Tunisie

The APBS Bachelor in Business Intelligence tunisie  trains future experts in data management, providing comprehensive training that combines technical, analytical and managerial skills. Specific objectives include :
– Master fundamental technical skills : Acquire an in-depth understanding of the principles and techniques used in the field of Business Intelligence tunisie, particularly in data analysis, modeling, programming and the use of specialized tools.
– Develop data analysis and interpretation skills : Learn to effectively collect, clean, organize and analyze data to extract relevant and actionable information to support strategic decision-making.
– Explore the practical aspects of BI project management : Acquire project management skills specific to the field of Business Intelligence Tunisie, including planning, progress monitoring, risk management and coordination of multidisciplinary teams.
– Become familiar with Business Intelligence Tunisie tools and technologies : Learn how to effectively use Business Intelligence Tunisie tools and platforms, such as database management systems, data analysis tools, reporting software and data warehousing solutions.

The combination of the sespecific objectives aims to prepare students to meet the challenges and seize opportunities in an ever-changing field, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their future professional careers in Business Intelligence Tunisie.

FOUNDATION COURSES of Bachelor in Business Intelligence Tunisie

Semester 1

Semester 1

- Algorithms and data structures 1
- Operating systems
- Logical systems and computer architecture
- Analysis
- Statistics and Probability
- Management Principles
- General Accounting
- Digital Skills
- Business Communication
- Personal development
- Teamwork
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Semester 2

Semester 2

- Algorithmics, Data Structure 2
- Fundamentals of Networks
- Introduction to information systems
- Mathematical logic
- Algebra
- The accounting information system
- Financial management
- Business Communication 2
- Problem-solving strategies
- Introduction to business intelligence
- Strategic marketing

Semester 3

Semester 3

- Object-oriented programming
- Web programming 1
- OO design of information systems
- Database
- Inferential statistics
- AI Foundations
- Digital Marketing Digital Economy
-IT ethics and laws
- Personal professional project (PPP)
- Software Project Management
- MTA Data Base Fundamentals Certification

Semester 4

Semester 4

- Data analysis and mining
- Web programming 2
- Graph theory and operations research
- Software engineering workshop (AGL)
- Software architecture
- Database Management System (DBMS)
- Multidimensional Modeling and Data Warehouse
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Analysis of Internet User Behavior
- Computer networks
- Business Process Reengineering

Semester 5

Semester 5

- Forecasting techniques
- Foundations of decision theory
- Introduction to Big data and Cloud
- Mobile Development
- Information technology management (ERP, SCM, etc.)
- The fundamentals of IT security
- Advanced programming languages-BI
- TB design and scoring
- Project management
- Psycology and Sociology for Online Media Applications
- IT security
- Reporting

Semester 6

Semester 6

Internship in company